Effective time management tips

Time management has become absolute necessity in todays world. Its well know now that we are probably busier than we ever have been. We have started using lot of time saving devices from vacuum cleaners to microwave ovens to computers. But what technology gives also takes away.  As we have increased the numbers of time saving devices and products to make our lives easier we have found ways to fill the time.

And a chronic lack of time leads to stress.

There are ways to mange your times effectively. Some of the time management tips to manage time effectively are listed below.

Make a time diary

This is very simple. Note down time spent each day in a week. Be honest and note each any every time. If you are watching 10 hours TV in a week mention it. Try to detail out each activity of the day like gym time, driving/commuting time, eating time, meeting time etc. Most of the time you will find out where you are spending more time. Next action will be strike off those activities where you should stop spending time. For example you may be spending 2-3 hours daily chatting with others.

Learn to say “NO”

When someone asks you to do something that you really don’t have time to do, say so, politely, but firmly. And don’t allow yourself to feel guilty. One reason we are feeling so busy all the time is that we are worse at setting personal boundaries around what we’ll say ‘no’ to. You should focus on your goals. Your time diary can help in this regard. Once you’ve blocked time for important, but often not scheduled activities, sign on for only those things that are important, family, friends and health. Once you know exactly what you have time to do, turning down things that don’t fit into your priorities is easier.

Time based to-do list

Create a to-do list that includes how much time you will spend on each item on the list. Lists are very helpful and helps prioritize on how you should go about the tasks. When you prioritize tasks you naturally focus on those that you can do immediately.


We all combine several activities into one all the time. Some multitasking is dangerous. Talk on the phone while driving and your chances of being involved in traffic accident is high. But there are lots of activities that can be effectively combined Listen to books while commuting, paying bills when watching television.

Don not be a perfectionist

There is nothing wrong with being ordinary. Perfectionism, otherwise known as paying excessive attention to every detail, important or not, is a kind of procrastination. Set rational goals for yourself. It is a fine thing to strive to be your best. It is  counter productive to try to be the very best. Setting unattainable expectations of yourself just adds stress to your life.

Reward yourself

Finally do not let any progress however small go unrewarded.

In nutshell  – Use your time diary to make decisions about how you want to organize your time better. As you make progress in prioritizing and saying ‘no,’ let yourself enjoy that. It does not have to be a big reward, maybe it can be as simple as spending some time by yourself or getting a massage. It is important to acknowledge and enjoy your success.


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